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  • 100s of Pro-Trump protesters clashed with police after the president's speech

  • A number of protesters breached security at The Capitol and are inside the building

  • The Capitol has been evacuated

  • VP Pence has been escorted from the Chamber to a secure location

  • 1000s are peacefully protesting outside'

  • President Trump urges protesters (via Tweet) to "Stay peaceful"

  • Washington DC Mayor orders 6 pm citywide curfew

  • DoD refuses to call DC official for National Guard deployment

  • Federal Protective Service, Secret Service Deploying To Capitol

  • President Trump Orders National Guard To Capitol To Restore Order

  • Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan Sends State Troopers To Capitol To Restore Order

  • FBI Has Been Deployed To The Capitol

  • President Trump Calls On Supporters To "Go Home"

  • FBI SWAT Team Enters Capitol Building

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Update (1733ET): Trump supporters unleash hell on camera equipment owned by major media outlets - this reminds us of the printer scene from the movie "Office Space."

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Update (1722ET): Capitol buildings in Georgia, Texas, New Mexico, Wyoming, Utah, Kansas, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, Colorado, and California have been shut down, or have implemented increased security measures this evening following the events that unfolded in Washington, D.C., today.

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Update (1647ET): DC Mayor Muriel Bowser speaks at a press conference Wednesday evening about the events that unfolded this afternoon on the Capitol building. She says a citywide curfew will start at 1800 ET and continue through 0600 ET Thursday.

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Update (1631ET): As evening falls, NBC's Leigh Ann Caldwell reports the FBI SWAT team has entered the Capitol building.

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Update (1620ET): In a prerecorded video published on Twitter, President Trump calls on his supporters to leave the Capitol building.

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Update (1610ET): President-elect Joe Biden delivers a statement on today's chaos at the Capitol.

Biden calls on Trump's supporters to end their assault on the Capitol: "This is not dissent... it borders on sedition. And it must end now."

* * *

Update (1602ET): Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan has tweeted that he is "sending troopers to assist the Metropolitan Police Department and the United States Capitol Police."

Hogan also said: "All Americans should be outraged by this attack on our nation’s Capitol. This is a heinous and violent assault on the heart of our democracy. I will not stand for this, and neither should any American."

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Update (1542ET): President Trump has ordered the National Guard to Capitol grounds to restore order.

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Update (1533ET): Several media outlets are reporting one person was shot on Capitol grounds about 30 minutes ago.

AP is reporting one person was shot; CNN is reporting a woman was shot in the chest on Capitol grounds.

Apparent gunshot victim being rushed out of the Capitol building.

We are awaiting more information.

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Update (1520ET): Within the past hour, President Trump has tweeted again, this time urging "everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful."

Trump continued: "No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!"

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Update (1512ET): More views of protesters on the Senate floor.

Additional views from inside the Capitol.

Just wow!

Trump supporter stealing a podium?

Man walking with large Confederate flag in Capitol building.

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Update (1508ET): Here's a stunning view of protesters using a window washing platform to get to higher floors of the Capitol.

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Update (1455ET): "Officers have drawn their firearms inside the chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives after supporters egged on by the president breached the Capitol," tweeted Reuters' Brad Heath.

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Update (1444ET): DC Mayor Muriel Bowser has ordered a citywide curfew starting at 1800 ET following the chaos at the Capitol. Also, reporters are saying tear gas has been deployed while President Trump urges supporters to remain peaceful.

"Lawmakers have been told to get ready to put on gas masks and have retrieved gas masks from under the seats. There is banging on the door to the chamber," Bloomberg's Emma Kinery tweeted.

Moments ago, President Trump urged protesters to "support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement."

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Update (1434ET): Trump supporters have breached the Capitol building. The mob is now inside the building. Security at the Capitol building has failed.

* * *

Following President Trump's address to supporters at a rally in Washington on Wednesday afternoon, a group of demonstrators marched to the US Capitol and reportedly breached several layers of security barricades around the building.

Just before 1300 ET, a group of Trump supporters "toppled the barricades, storming through them to the grassy fields leading to the Capitol," according to WaPo.

Inside the Capitol, Congress is meeting to certify the electoral college votes for President-elect Joe Biden

Amid the unfolding chaos, staff in the Cannon House Office building to evacuate, according to a notice obtained by Bloomberg. Madison office building staff have also been told to evacuate.

Demonstrators are becoming increasingly violent towards police.

Trump supporters are attempting to break police lines at the Capitol.

"Whoa: Trump supporters going at it with the police on the steps of the Capitol as Congress counts the Electoral College ballots inside," HuffPost's Philip Lewis tweeted.

Representative Haley Stevens tweeted that she is "sheltering in place in my office." She said the building next to her is being "evacuated."

Stevens wrote: "I can't believe I have to write this."

Here are more views outside of the Capitol. The Daily Dot's Zachary Petrizzo said police are now firing tear gas into the crowd.

Apparently, the crowd outside the Capitol is increasing in size.

CNN's Kaitlan Collins has just tweeted the "US Capitol is now on lockdown."

Protesters are now at the steps of the Capitol.

Protesters have made it to the doors of the Capitol.

Protesters have made it inside the Capitol building.

*This story is developing